As millennials, we are always looking for ways to learn something new and to be inspired. One of the best ways to do that is by watching TED Talks. If you are a scuba diver or have ever been interested in scuba diving, then you are in for a treat. We have put together the most inspirational scuba diving TED Talks for education and inspiration.
Diving With Sharks: Allison Towner
Allison Towner is a shark biologist and a scuba diving expert. She has been featured on National Geographic and is an advocate for shark conservation. In her TED Talk, she shares her experiences diving with sharks and how we can work towards shark conservation. If you have ever been interested in sharks or conservation efforts, this is a must-watch.
The Art Of Freediving: Guillaume Néry
Freediving is the art of exploring the underwater world without any scuba tanks or breathing devices. Guillaume Néry is a champion freediver and has broken multiple world records. In his TED Talk, he shares his experiences and how freediving has allowed him to connect with nature in a unique and powerful way.
The Underwater Art of David Gallo
David Gallo is an oceanographer and an underwater explorer. In his TED Talk, he shares his experiences discovering new species and exploring the ocean depths. But what sets his talk apart is his incorporation of underwater photography and art as a means of showcasing the beauty of the ocean.
The Beauty of Coral: Kristen Marhaver
Coral reefs are often referred to as the “rainforests of the sea” due to their incredible biodiversity. Unfortunately, coral reefs are also at risk due to climate change and other human activities. Kristen Marhaver is a coral biologist and in her TED Talk, she shares her efforts to restore coral reefs and the incredible beauty of these underwater ecosystems.
The Surprising Science of Happiness Underwater: Laura McDonnell
Scuba diving has been known to have positive effects on mental health and well-being. Laura McDonnell is a scuba diving instructor and in her TED Talk, she shares the science behind why scuba diving makes us happy. She also talks about her experiences witnessing the positive effects of scuba diving on individuals with mental health disorders.
Scuba diving is an incredible activity that allows us to explore and connect with the underwater world. These scuba diving TED Talks provide education, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting our oceans. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these dives into the underwater world. Happy learning!