July 4, 2024
Discovering the Best Dive Sites in Egypt

Discovering the Best Dive Sites in Egypt – An Adventurer’s Dream

Greetings fellow adventure seekers! Are you ready to take a plunge into the deep blue and explore the hidden gems of Egypt’s underwater world? Look no further, because today we’re diving (pun intended) into the best dive sites that Egypt has to offer. From colorful schools of fish to intricate coral reefs, we’ve got you covered. So, buckle up and let’s get this underwater party started!

The Sister Ships – The Wreck Wonders

First up, we have the ultimate dive site for wreck lovers – The Sister Ships. These are two giant cargo vessels that were sunk in 1983 and have since become a haven for marine life. From barracudas to lionfish, there’s never a dull moment when exploring the nooks and crannies of these sunken beauties. Get your camera ready because these majestic wrecks will take your breath away.

The Blue Hole – The Deepest Dive

Next up, we have The Blue Hole – a natural wonder that boasts a depth of 130 meters. Get ready to take a deep breath because this dive is not for the faint-hearted. Don’t let the name fool you, this site is not just a blue hole, it’s a maze of tunnels and coral formations that is sure to challenge even the most experienced divers out there. Pro tip – make sure you have a guide who knows the area like the back of their hands.

The Brothers – The Endless Walls

If you’re looking for a site that will leave you breathless, then The Brothers is the one for you. Composed of two islands, the Big Brother and the Little Brother, this site boasts an incredible underwater landscape with walls that seem to go on forever. Keep an eye out for hammerhead sharks and giant manta rays because they frequent these waters. Just be careful not to get too close – they may seem friendly, but they’re still wild animals at heart.

The Thistlegorm – The Time Capsule

Last but not least, we have The Thistlegorm – a World War II ship that was sunk in 1941. This site is a unique dive because it’s like stepping back in time. From the rusted bikes that were meant for the troops to the jars of medicines and boots, this ship is a true time capsule. If you’re a history buff, this dive is a must-see, but make sure you have a good flashlight because the inside of the ship can be dark and eerie.


Well, there you have it, folks – the best dive sites in Egypt. From wrecks to deep dives and everything in between, Egypt has something for everyone. So, pack your bags, grab your sunscreen, and get ready to make some unforgettable memories. Let’s go explore the wonders of the underwater realm!