September 20, 2024
The Most Common Underwater Photography Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The Most Common Underwater Photography Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Written by a Pro Scuba Diver for All You Aquatic Photographers Out There


Hey, fellow water enthusiasts! I know how amazing it can be capturing the underwater world in photographs. However, as an experienced diver, I’ve noticed some common mistakes that people make when trying to shoot underwater shots.

Mistake #1: Using flash incorrectly

Using flash while shooting pictures underwater is essential to highlight the colors and details of the subject. However, many beginner photographers tend to use it incorrectly. Make sure that you start using a flash only when you’re quite close to the subject because the light from the flash dissipates in the water, resulting in backscatter or unwanted reflections.

Mistake #2: Poor composition

When we are in the water, we tend to become too enthusiastic about clicking pictures, but it’s indispensable to take some time and compose the shot. You should try to get yourself in the best possible position to capture the subject beautifully. Make use of the surroundings by framing the subject with corals, seaweed, or sand when you can. It will add depth and interest to your picture.

Mistake #3: Wrong camera settings

Knowing your camera settings is crucial when you want to take pictures underwater. The same setting as that used for terrestrial photography isn’t valid when it comes to underwater photography. Apart from ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, there are many more settings for underwater photography that you must be acquainted with. Your snaps will change dramatically based on the white balance, for instance. So, learn about them before you get into the water and experiment.

Mistake #4: Not knowing your subject

If you’re taking a shot of a particular aquatic creature, research it beforehand. Knowing how they behave, where they like to hang out, and being able to predict their movements will profoundly help you get the perfect shot. This knowledge and preparation will prepare you for capturing unique underwater photographs.

Mistake #5: Not paying attention to the details

Attention to the details matters when we talk about underwater photography. Be sure to look out for stray snorkels, fins, bubbles, and other distractions that could ruin your photo. Before clicking the shutter release button, you should take a quick glimpse of the surrounding area to ensure there’s nothing in the frame that shouldn’t be there.


As fun and exciting as underwater photography can be, it also has its challenges. You might produce some dud photos in your early days, but, hey, that’s part of the learning process.

By avoiding the mistakes mentioned above, you will be in a better position to get the perfect shots. Just remember, patience, practice and a knowledge are the keys to becoming one of the world’s greatest underwater photographers.